Friday, September 17, 2010

Everything in Moderation...

I’ve always heard the expression, “Everything in moderation”. I now understand what that means and why that is true. I had an initial consult with Hulk in which I poured out my heart and frustration about not getting and seeing the results I wanted. He understood and empathized because he had worked with a lot of women that were in the same situation that I am in now: working hard and making small gains. He assured me that I wasn’t the first and that I wouldn’t be the last. After we discussed my goals and I discussed everything with my Hubby, it was time to go to work.

Our next meeting, we did measurements, weight, body fat, muscle, you name he got it. He had to pull out the little forceps that grab your love handles to see how much fat is on your body. I call it the pincher because that’s exactly what it’s doing to your fat. He “pinched” my arms, legs, handles, and back. I was cool with this because I had this done many times before with my nutritionist. We then sat down and took a food inventory and a snapshot of my daily schedule.

Before this meeting, Hulk told me to bring in my current meal plan and supplement list. After one look, he said, “No wonder you aren’t seeing any results, you’re eating and exercising too much”. You aren’t training to be a body builder!?!” Oh, what a sigh of relief. I felt the same way but Beast didn’t listen to me in my reservations. Hulk then told me that my supplement list was a waste of time and gave me a new one. Which only included 2 pills from Beasts lists (which just so happen to be things I already took daily before I started to train).

I could already tell this experience was going to be different. Let me tell you, within 2 days, I not only had my new meal plan but I had 2 different workouts: one five day and one three day. Before I was working out 6 days a week twice a day. I literally spent my entire summer working out. I couldn’t even enjoy my vacation to VA Beach because I was in the gym the majority of the time. To add, the summer was winding down and I didn’t know how this routine was going to work after I had to report back to work. I’ve been off all summer and had time to devote to training but it was going to be hard to do when my workload increased. Let’s not forget that I’m in school too.

All in all, I can feel the change and I believe it to be a positive one…I welcome the journey with no reservations.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Unintentional Self-consciousness...

Yet again I had to travel out of town in order to meet some requirements for school. This time was completely different because I was gone for about 7 days. The day before, I spent time at Trader Joe’s getting the food I planned to take with me to Florida. During my run, I picked up Edamame, raw almonds, oatmeal, Larabars, peanut butter, and tuna. In addition to these items, I took my protein powder, vitamins, and a few bananas. These items served as my breakfast as well as snacks throughout the day. The hotel provided breakfast and lunch.

I shared a room with a fellow classmate and warned her before I came that I would have to exercise twice daily and that she was welcomed to come with me if she would like. Might I add that the gym at the Hyatt hotel nationwide is phenomenal! All of the equipment is state of the art and in excellent condition. They have treadmills, ellipticals, and actual machines (leg, shoulders, chest, abs, back). They also have free weights, benches, stability balls, and resistance bands. What else could a girl ask for? The best part about it is that you don’t have to drive anywhere, you just catch the elevator.

I go through my week, eating as “clean” as I could while having to eat out every night. I think I maintained and resisted temptation wonderfully. I stayed true to my exercise regimen with the exception of two nights in which I was just too exhausted to go up to the gym and workout. I was in the gym every morning by 5:30am and stayed for an hour. No excuse not to work out and it made me feel good to do so. I literally packed more workout clothes than I did anything else. It was funny to see my suitcase.

On the last day there, my roommate and I were reflecting on our experience. She has been having a hard time this term and she was venting a bit, which I didn’t mind at all. It was a wonderful learning experience but at the same time overwhelming at times. Then the conversation took a slight turn. She started to speak about her weight gain and the fact that the stress of the program and schedule has made her get out of her normal routine of exercising. I knew in my mind where this conversation was going. Then I heard the words: “Being here with you has made me feel bad about my body”. She did not mean this in a negative light or to make me feel bad. I completely understood where she was coming from. That’s why I tried to warn her of my routine before we got there. Maybe she didn’t think I was as disciplined or as serious as I was about what I told her of my routine before we arrived.

It is never my intent to make someone feel uncomfortable around me or feel bad about their body. The fact of the matter is, that when people speak about their weight around me, I often get uncomfortable because I know that there is a chance they are heading down the road to comparison. I often feel slight guilty when I'm around friends and others comment on how I look when I know the struggles of the people I'm with. It secretly makes them self-conscious. It is always my hope that my enthusiasm for living a healthy life will shine on that person who is struggling with motivation. If the shoe was on the other foot, I can’t say that I wouldn’t feel self-conscious but that’s why I decided to make a complete lifestyle change and do something about it.

It’s funny how your daily routine can make someone feel bad about theirs….


Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Every so often I will rant. Ranting is the act of sharing strong/heartfelt thoughts about an issue that is bothering you or making you feel uncomfortable. This is not meant to defame or offend. These are just my thoughts. Please be aware: mild/suggestive language is included. !~)

These are my pet peeves at the gym. YES THERE ARE 20!!!!

20. When the gym staff/trainers have ordered out: What are you trying to do to me in here? Why are you eating a double cheeseburger meal from Mickey D's anyway? Dang I want some of those fries!!! lol!!!

19. Using the treadmill or elliptical machine right beside me when there are 100 available... I don't even know why this bothers me but it does.

18. Spraying around your machine getting me wet... pay attention.

17: Extreme body odor...I know we're at the gym but dang I know you smell that, what is wrong?

16. Trainers who are out of shape: Need I say more?

15. "I think I'm bigger than I really am" guy... So aggrivating to see him stride through

14. Dropping the weights... Every single gym I've ever been to warns against this. Why do you keep dropping th weights knowing it will echo through the gym? So annoying...

13. Yelling obnoxiously...I really don't think the weight is that heavy. Stop trying to draw attention to yourself.

12. People who are working out in regular clothes... jeans, dress shoes, bare feet (ONLY ok if its African Dance) Dude, what are you thinking?

11. Old men who sit on the machines or hang around and STARE....I was going to say something really bad here but I'm going to be a good southern girl and respect my elders..OK just a hint (you can find them after the rain). You fill in the blanks.

10. Hogging the machines...You know I want to work in, stop trying to avoid eye contact with me. Share the equipment.

9. Talking to me while I'm working out: If I wanted to talk, you would have my number for us to do so. Shut Up!!

8. People who drench the machine with sweat and just walk away expecting me to clean it for you...that is GROSS!!

7. Crew of the Commando...Do I need to say more (read the blog)

6. Women AND men who wear inappropriate gym attire: I shouldn't see through your pants to know that you have on orange underroos(happened today), they shouldn't be so short that your cheeks are hanging out and MEN for goodness sakes: NO SHORTS ABOVE THE KNEE, nobody wants to see Macadamias (EWE).

5. Thinking the gym is a dating pool... Please don't try to hit on me while I'm working out, NOT INTERESTED BUDDY..this ain't the dating game. Somebody already "Put a ring on it"

4. Talking on your cellphone LOUD beside me: I do not need to know about your sexual escapades BooBoo..Keep it quiet

3. Gym equipment that is ALWAYS broken....I'm already paying dues plus extra yearly fees for maintenance. Why is there only ONE stairstepper working when there are 3 physically there?

2. Standing/Walking around Booty Ball Naked around the locker....Cover that up please.

1. TELLING ME THAT I NEED TO WORK HARDER OR THAT I'M NOT DOING ENOUGH OR UNSOLICITED ADVICE.... I'm not paying you to be my trainer. How about you pay attention to your workout and stop worrying about mine. Mind your business!!!!

I can't take it!!! What is wrong with you people? If all of these things happened to me in one gym visit, you might be seeing me on SNAPPED: Gym Edition!!


Light at the end of the tunnel...

There is so much light at the end of the tunnel. Parting ways with Diesel was difficult but in the end, I have to do what's best for me. I am the number one priority and need to focus on just that.

So, I had a sit down with "another" today. Hey we'll be talking about "another" alot so let's name him, we'll call him Hulk. So I had a sit down with Hulk today. As soon as I step into this office, it was on and popping. I immediately saw all the confirmation that I needed that he would be able to get the job done. He had picture after picture of all of the professional athletes, bodybuilders, and competitors that he has trained. These people are magazine worthy, honey. At that point, I felt deeply that I had made the right decision.

The first thing I did today was get critiqued............ in a suit. Had to stroll down the catwalk, do quarter turns, and get critiqued. I was a soldier but deep inside, I'm dying and feel like I'm about to let one go because my cheeks were so tight (lol). Luckily I was able to hold my composure and kept it together. After being surveyed, I heard these words "Your hard work has been paying off, but there are some things that I can do to get you where you need to go". Ahhhh, and the cheeks are released. After I change, we go back to the office and sit down to talk about diet, vitamins, workout. Everything that he has me doing is almost the exact OPPOSITE of what I have been doing. Hulk tells me that I've been over training and that I'm eating way too much food for what I need. I felt like this completely but my voice wasn't being heard at all.

So as soon as I get back from another school trip, I'll be starting a new routine with a vengeance. We've already set up a schedule for me to follow while I'm away and that will be revamped once I return. On another note, I will be preparing to travel again and need to be on point when it comes to my eating and training. I already wrote a blog about fitness and travel. I know that the hotel has a start of the art gym so no worries there. I've already been following those steps and I'll go shopping this week to get the food I'll need to take with me (thanks to Hulk). RANT ALERT: You know I asked and asked and asked Diesel what I needed to do while I was away and his response was "take your food with you". WHAT?!?! What the heck do I look like taking a crap load of cooked fish with me? Who wants their clothes to smell like they've been helping BP with the oil spill (So inappropriate, I know but you should know me by now)? Furthermore who wants to be eating 7 day old fish? I'll be gone an entire week for goodness sakes. OK, OK NF...Calm down, breathe. Let me channel my inner Tina after she learned how to chant.

I'm back. It's SO refreshing to feel like you matter. There is so much light at the end of the tunnel that its beaming from all sides. I'm breathing a sigh of relief. The Saga continues...


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Change is inevitable...

For the last week, I have been quite emotional about my training. My workout routine is quite intense. I workout twice a day, six days a week. Not to mention being confined to a strict diet. I am in school full-time and really have my plate full. The last thing that I need in my life right now is to feel as though I am being ignored or not supported. Let me explain. For quite some time now, I have felt as though I was being neglected. When I think of a trainer, I think of a person that not only creates a plan for you but also is there to work with you and give you their undivided attention. This is not what I have been receiving. It's hard for a person to help you in your endeavors if they are heavily involved in their own. Meaning, if you're training for show after show, you can't help someone else on their journey. Maybe you can, but its not going to be as focused as it needs to be. This is where I am right now...

I know my body better than anyone else. I know what I can eat and what I can't; when I can eat; what helps me to lose weight, etc. If I tell you that I need to up my cardio to lose the fat, don't ignore me or tell me to trust you when after a month of training, I STILL am not seeing any results. Yes I've lost weight, yes my arms are bigger but I should see definition and I don't. If I tell you that I believe you should make some changes, you need to listen to me. If I tell you I need food options suitable for travel, you need to find me options. If I tell you that what you're doing isn't working, then you need to listen to me and see why it isn't.

After speaking to another and venting, they ask me several questions about how my training was going. After explaining my frustrations, they admit that they noticed that my progress was slow and that I've been working too hard to not see more. With the time and training I'm putting in, "It must be your diet". Here are the questions...Did he take your measurements? no. Did he have your weight? no. Did he take pictures? yes. Did he critique you to see what changes needed to be made to your diet or workout? no. Have you had any changes with your diet? no. Have you been given a new workout routine? no. Have you been seen on a weekly basis? no.....Do you see where I'm going with this? In retrospect, I now see that my excitement about the prospect of being on the stage was just plain naivety. You live and you learn...

Change is inevitable. There are times in life when you know what's best for you. Times when you need to cut your loses and "Float, Float On" (Aquarius and my name is Ralph, What y'all know about them Floaters, hehe). You are providing a service for me, and I expect you to provide that service to the utmost of your ability. Therefore, I believe it is time for us to part ways. My show is in October and the progress I hope to have made at this point has not happened. Yes you've provided me with the opportunity to become more disciplined. You've helped me to really see how hard I could push myself. You've helped me to really delve into a great workout regimen but unfortunately, the focus and the guidance I need has not been there. There's no hard feelings, I appreciate everything you've done but it's time to move on. So with that said, I'm shooting up the "Deuces" and I'm moving "On To The Next"(Yea, Jay).

Still trying to be on that stage in October. The journey continues!!
Refocused and more ready than ever. Let the new plan begin...


Saturday, July 24, 2010

WARNING!!! RANT ALERT... Crew of the Commando

Every so often I will rant. Ranting is the act of sharing strong/heartfelt thoughts about an issue that is bothering you or making you feel uncomfortable. This is not meant to defame or offend. These are just my thoughts. Please be aware: mild/suggestive language is included. !~)

Oh My Gosh!! Where do I begin? I was at the gym and am always observing others workout regimens, intensity, etc. My friends often describe me as "not missing a thing". I think alot of it is because I'm always watching. I guess that's why I went into the helping fields. Anyhoo, I'm at the gym this day and notice a woman working out. She is really going to get it (I get excited about seeing people go hard. It gets me pumped up and makes me work harder). She is toned and in great shape. She has on a nice little sports bra and little biker shorts. She looks to be in her late 30's/ early 40's. I'm thinking "You betta do it Boo".

I'm working out and she's working out. I notice that we both are working arms today. We're generally in the same area and finally cross paths. She sits down at the pulldown machine in front of me and as I get ready to do my cable pulldowns, I get the freaking shock of my life. This chick has a hole in her crotch and right as I'm laughing and turning my head, I get the shock of my life. SHE IS TOTALLY COMMANDO!!! I start to scream "Why, Why???" in my Nancy Kerrigan voice (bad joke I know, but it fits with the mood).

Let the rant begin...

Why do women go commando in the gym? What is comfortable about that? As soon as I got home, I immediately went to the Internet and did some searches on this issue. I came across some blogs and really was amazed at how many women were admitting that they went COMMANDO in the gym. Many of them said they do this for one of two reasons.

Reason 1: "I don't like the way my panties feel when they are sweaty". So instead of putting the sweat on your panties, your solution is to put the sweat on your pants or shorts you have on instead? The same pants or shorts that have been on the machine I'm about to sit down on and use? NO, ladies, NO...this is not the answer. Crotch sweat on the seat is not cute Ladies.

Solution: If you don't like the sweat from your undies, then bring a clean pair to change into for the ride home. No harm in that.

Reason 2: "I don't like for my panties to ride up when I'm working out and I don't want to pull wedgies in the gym". Are you serious? You'll pull your wedgie out any other time. Stop trying to look cute in the gym and focus on your workout. Pull the freakin' wedgie...nobody cares.

Solution: Wear a thong, wear boy shorts, wear grannies, wear boxers... the point is wear something.

It's obvious that you are going to sweat. Sweat is inevitable in the gym. That's the nature of the beast. Sweating, while therapeutic and encouraging, it just doesn't feel great. During my workout, it makes me feel like I'm really putting in the work. Afterwards it makes me feel self-conscious because I think I stink. I especially hate boob sweat (just being honest with my people) as I imagine most women do, does that mean I'm going to go braless. No way. I just bring an extra set of "after workout" clothes so my drive home is comfortable.

All in all, this blog isn't going to change the "Crew of the Commando's". I'm sure these women will continue the "Brigade of the Panty-Less". Before you do, PLEASE do me favor...If you're going to go commando, can you at least make sure your crotch doesn't have any holes in it? Geesh...

LMBO!!!!! Ahhhh, ranting is therapeutic for the soul.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

WARNING!!! Short Rant Alert....BWDW...

Every so often I will rant. Ranting is the act of sharing strong/heartfelt thoughts about an issue that is bothering you or making you feel uncomfortable. This is not meant to defame or offend. These are just my thoughts. Please be aware: mild/suggestive language is included. !~)

I was perusing the ever popular YouTube as I so often do for natural hair guidance and styling tips. I also look for figure competition videos and vegetarian competitors/exercise enthusiast. It helps me learn new workout techniques, recipes, just some awesome things on there. YouTube is my Google. What can I say, I'm a visual learner. Anyway, I run across a video with this dude talking about an epidemic running across the country and then her proceeds to discuss his take on black women and exercise. More specifically, he says that we're lazy and we don't exercise..... WHAT!!!! (breaks screeching). Dude let me tell you something...


Are you serious? We workout. I see tons of Black women in the gym getting it in every single day. There is not a day that goes by that I don't see a black woman at the gym. Contrary to popular belief, we care about how we look and want to keep it tight, keep it right!! There's a young lady that even started a movement with this very title. Check out her facebook page, the link is below. I'm sick and tired of people thinking so negatively about black women. We have been holding it down for our community for years; playing mommy AND daddy, providing for the family, taking care of the household, all of this plus more.

We exercise, we care about our health, we want to be physically fit, and most of all.....

